Phuisan's Life

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Wednesday 1 October 2008

Three girlfriends that I miss the most: Part 1

Dinner at Cozy - Accounting Nite - Yee's 22nd Birthday - Toilet at Chillis in Midvalley

Chiou Yee aka Naima (Nanny)

I can’t remember the exact date that I got to know this girl but is in February 2006. Two years have passed and the bond between us has become stronger. We are like sisters with siaojie. The first time we met was in Adrian Yeo & Co. This is the place where we did our three months industrial training.

We really had a nice time doing our training together. Her work relates to tax and my work relates to audit. So whenever I have to do things which are relate to tax then she will do it for me and vice versa. When we moved down to second floor, we sat right behind which is near the pantry. There are only two tables there and 5 of us have to share those two miserable tables. We even have to share one miserable laptop. We had some horrible time there. We had to befriend one of the senior to win over her heart. We treated her nicely and she was kind of touch. She always offer food, talks and guide us in our work. Both of us will scold Siaojie whenever she doesn’t understand what we say. We always say ‘You didn’t bring your brain out today ah?” or “Where is your brain?”.

In our final semester, both of us did the same papers which are Audit and Tax. We went to tuition together in town. In the morning, we had to attend tax class and in the evening we have to attend audit class. It was really tiring. The yong tau foo, chee cheong fun and curry mee that we ate during our lunch break. I remember that we couldn’t concentrate on our Audit class because our results were release on that day. Both of us were so anxious to know the result because everyone was texting us their results. Thanks for being my side when I got to know the results. Both of us managed to get A for Audit and we were surprised. It was the joke of the century because we knew that we didn’t do well in that paper.

There were many things that happen around us together with KaiXin and Siaojie. We went out for lunch and shop together. Chiouyee, you remember the Char Siew rice we ate with Ivan, and Siaojie and Chan Fei? I still can remember the taste and smell. It was really yummy even though I don’t take pork. I managed to eat there before I went to UK. Remember the Lor Mee we ate at Genting Klang on the day before you went back to KT? I miss eating, gossiping and shopping with you.

Even though I was not by your side for the past 3 months and the coming one year, I will always be there for you. When you need help or a pair of listening ears, feel free to text me. It only cost you RM0.20 to send me a message. Hope that you will enjoy your work in Howarth and you will be able to meet new friends soon. Hope that you will pass the ACCA papers in this December sitting. I would have to wait until June or December 2009 sitting to clear my last miserable paper.

Hope that I would be able to fly back in March to meet up with you. Take care. Good Luck. Miss you. Keep in touch and contact. I promise that I will stay strong and will never give up so easily. Keep this friendship strong and make it an eternity one.




Blogger Unknown said...

gal, drop a love letter 2 you..hehe..^^

As what i have said in MSN this noon (Msia time), quite touching when i firstly looking at your blog..All memories & path that we passed through together refresh on my mind..Days we were at Adrian Yeo, presence at nite, before / during exam, receiving results, attending talk, attending lectures etc..All of these will forever be our heart..Nothing will replace our college life..

Suddenly remember the days i have been left behind, being betrayed, you, xiao jie & kaixin be there for me..really thanks..even though i dint ever hate that gal, trio of you will keep on scolding her of her did..thanks for standing on my side when i need a hand..Also, hightlight the points & chapters for me & xiaojie..Both of us always in the mess & blur with the happening..Hehe..Thanks, thats all really helpful as always prepare at last minute..Remember in the final exam, we sat together while ME paper..We chatting in the exam hall..Hehe..Also, sitting together when Ms Rajee auidt class..We & ppei always sat at last row..Hehe..

After you went to UK,i just realised that we dint ever shop together..haha..May be sometime in the future, we have the golden chance..

As i have start working, my choice of rejecting offers from Big 4, complaining being bully by seniors, you are still there for me..By the way, remember what i always say 2 you, "Dont forget i will always be there for you". Cheer up, gal... Take yourself a good care... Sis forever...Miss you...

With love,

3 October 2008 at 05:01  

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