Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Sunday 26 October 2008

Starts of winter time

I woke up at 11.20 this morning. So quickly wake up because I had loads of things to do. The most important thing to do is to buy chocolates and more food. I am getting lazy each day as I hate to go out. The weather makes me lazier and I just prefer to stay at home.

Talking back about the time. Starting from today, it will be eight hours difference which means it is the start of winter time. So I will gain an extra hour. Each time when the season change, we will move back by one hour. I am still confused with the time. I have to adjust my watch.

It means that this morning I woke up at 10.20am. Then I should have continued sleeping. It means that I can sleep an extra hour each day. The days are getting shorter. I think by December, the sky will start to get dark by 3 evening.

My cousin text me and said “Hey remember today starts winter time”. Lucky he reminds me about it. Thanks. I thought you forgot about me. I will call you soon to ask for permission to crash over at your place during Christmas.

Weather is getting cold. Though it might be exciting seeing the snow but I doubt that I can stand the weather. I would probably stay in the room and sit near the heater.

Extra one hour



Blogger *~leAjoo~* said...

yeah...u should just stay at home, and hugging your laptop v series drama :s but you got to step out from your house, to snap some beautiful winter photos for us :P yeah, you should know that i like beautiful, i want photo with beautiful scene :P hehehhe

26 October 2008 at 12:57  

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