Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Tuesday 9 June 2009


I just realized that I hate to sleep. I can stay awake the whole night and can be very energetic the next day. I don’t need any nap during the days.

He came back from work at 1 am and saw my room lights were still on. He came into the room and asked “Why are you not sleeping?” I said “Later” He said “What time do you wake up” “9am” “How many hours do you sleep?” “6 to 7” “You should get at least 8 hrs and 11 minutes”

Before he walked out, he said “Watever issit, you need more sleep!” It is so unfair. He can sleep less than 8 hours and I have to sleep for 8 hrs and 11mins. Ridiculous!

This is not the first time he said the same thing. I can’t do anything but off the lights and go to bed!

Good night


1.20am Wednesday


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