Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Saturday 3 January 2009

How Did I Score in 2008? Part 3

Last Quarter of the Year Sept – Dec

September was the most important month for me. I learned a lot in this month especially decision making. I cried a lot in this month. Not even a baby can challenge me. I had to decide whether I want to stay in Sheffield to continue with my master or not. I cried every single day from the sun rise to sun set. I think my tears could fill up my whole room. So many problems and challenges that I had to go through.

I didn’t get to apply for a student accommodation and I wasn’t sure whether I want to stay or not. Everyone will be going back. I called home every day and started crying. My whole family was very worried about me and my dad said that I can go home if I want to. My cousin had to come over to Sheffield to persuade me to stay.

I handed my passport to the Uni so that they could extend my visa for me. The next morning I walked back to uni to collect my passport back because I realized that I will feel more secure if the passport is with me. Luckily they haven’t sent the passport to the immigration office.

I decided to stay. I sat for exams. After the last paper, ZeehUI sINlI Pohquin teman me to look for room. I had to rent a room outside. I never tried staying outside before. I found a room to stay. It is quite convenient because Tesco is just 5 minutes walk away and it only takes me 10 minutes to walk to Uni.

Everyone left to Europe. I move in to my new house. New environment and I have to stay with people that I don’t know. None of them are Chinese. All of them are local. I wonder whether I will get through this challenge or not.

I attended class and it was fun. I made a lot new friends from all over the world. I love my housemates and learned a lot from them. I didn’t regret for staying here. All of them were very helpful and kind.

In October, I did something which I was not supposed to do. Hopefully no one will know about it. Don’t worry, I didn’t take drugs or kill anyone. If that person finds out the truth, something bad will happen. This will remain as a secret.

November. It was my birthday. I was really touched when I received a card from my kakis. It is a great surprised. Thanks for the purple coat. I went for a holiday with dad’s friend. It was a good present. A lot of things happened. This is the first time celebrating Bonfire Night and Halloween in October. I attended Hollie’s birthday party. She is Lauren’s friend. All her friends treat me very well.

December is one of the best months ever. I went to Birmingham to celebrate Christmas. I attended Devran’s birthday party and it was great because I get to meet more friends. For New Years Eve, I went for a house party and went down to town to club. It was a brilliant and massive month. You can see that that by reading my blog.

My sister got 7As for her PMR and I am FREAKING EXTREMELY PROUD OF HER. It was one of my 2008 resolutions. Congratulations and you didn’t disappoint us. Thank You. Thanks for keeping the promise that we made. I am so proud of you. I cried when I know about your results.

I started to drink a lot since I move in to this new house. I need to control my alcohol consumption. Each time I go for party, they will always make me drink. It is not one pint but a few pints of lager, a few glass of wine and a few shots. Each time after I drink, I feel so dehydrated and horrible. I just hate to go through hangover. I do club but this one I can control but now the more friends I make, the more entertainment I have.


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