Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Thursday 1 January 2009

How I ended the last day of 2008?

It was the last day of the year and everyone around the world will be celebrating by partying or clubbing or just chilling at home.

It was kind of weird yesterday because everyone celebrated new years at a different time. People in Malaysia celebrated earlier as compared to UK. It was 4pm in UK when Malaysians celebrated the NY. It is 8 hours difference. Malaysians are already in 2009 while I am still in 2008. Cyprus celebrated their new year at 10pm UK time. So it is a two hours difference.

I had a wonderful night and it was one of the best New Year’s celebrations I ever had and this is the first time celebrating it in UK. It was really amazing.

At half past five, I start to get ready because I was going for a house party. I had a few shots with Robyn Lauren and Gill before heading out to Seval’s house party. We were all in Lauren’s room putting up make up and getting ready to hit the town and bar.

Seval’s House PaRTY

It was a house party at Seval’s house. It was really great because it was just simply fun. As usual, I get to meet new friends again. I was sitting around the sofas with one whole bunch of guys. We were playing “Higher or Lower”. If you make a wrong guess, then you have to drink. It is either you drink beer or vodka. I had to play and I made a wrong guess, so I had to drink. It was just plain orange juice. No one realize until Seval said it was just plain orange juice.

Harjeet asked Seval to make me vodka orange juice. I finished the whole cup and the refill another drink. I think is vodka and some mixer. It was so damn heavy. Then they change the rule of the game. Whoever get the ACE have to drink a shot. I was so like so shit and I each time it was my turn, the card would be Ace. They poured me a shot and I totally have no idea what drink was that. It was a little spicy and weird. Thank god I was able to persuade them that I will drink half and someone will drink half for me. Harjeet, Tatcher and Tommy were my victims.

I couldn’t get drunk because I was supposed to go clubbing after that and I didn’t eat before I drink. So I just had orange juice but mana tau the fella realized it was just plain orange.


At about 10 quarter, we left the party to head to the town for another round of party actually it is clubbing time. It was freezing cold outside. Thank god we bought the tickets in advance which enable us to queue jump.

It was pack inside the club and we were all dancing like mad people. Then we had a countdown. I was dancing with this guy. It was great but was not that sexy. Somebody in my mind is sexier. LoL.

Then there is this random guy who came and sits beside me. Before he left, we hug and he gave me a peck on my check. He wanted to kiss me but thank god I am smart enough to avoid it so the kiss ended up on my cheek. Damn LamE.

It was a great night. I love the dance and the crowd. I need to wait another 364 days for the next big party.


I went home. I know that I was drunk and sleepy. It wasn’t as drunk as compare to the last one. I was so damn hungry; I put the pizza in the oven. I sat in the kitchen and fell asleep. Nate came back and saw me. He asked “Vanessa, are you sleeping?” I told him that I am hungry. He went to toilet and went back to the room.

The next minute he came down and kicked me gently. He said the pizza is ready. I asked him to take it out and he cut it into pieces for me. Thank god he came down if not the pizza will be burn. After eating, I went to bed with my dress and make up.

After two hours, I woke up and I was freaking dizzy. I changed into my pajamas and went back to sleep again. I slept till 1pm. When I woke up, I was so damn thirsty and I know I am dehydrated. Lauren came in and said that she will buy breakfast for me. She asked me not to go back to bed because she didn’t take the house key. I left the door unlocked and went back to the room to continue sleeping.

She came back and walked into my room to wake me up. I was damn tired. It is HANGOVER time!! This time I didn’t throw up. HooRaY!!!!!!

This is how I ended the last day of 2008!

Have FUN looking at the pictures.




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