Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Saturday 3 January 2009

How Did I Score in 2008? Part 1

I am taking a day off today to evaluate myself. 2008 was a wonderful sad horrible brilliant year for me.

First Quarter of the year Jan – April

Early of the year, in January, all of us were busy with our assignments. It was decision making coursework. It was really killing. Hui, Joo, Li and Kit, do you remember the time when had to sit in the library everyday to do the assignment. We had to attend that fella class on Saturday. I don’t remember his name. He talks as if he is the greatest one of all.

In February, we were all working very hard for the final piece of assignment. We spend our time in Leajoo’ house and we spend most of the time talking and gossiping and also making fun of somebody. You should know who. I remembered that we received our first ACCA results. It was so shit. We didn’t have discussion on that day because everyone wanted to check their own results.

The results almost killed me. It gave me a shocked because I didn’t expect such a result. Expect the unexpected. I remembered that I was crying like mad and everyone was so damn worry about me. I took four papers and it was a little daring. The results were out in the afternoon and I was receiving a lot of calls and the results were good for some and bad for some. I had to wait for dad to come home. When I open the results, I started crying because I was speechless. I passed. It was really unbelievable.

In March, we had to sit for the English test to enable to us to go SHU. I was hoping that everyone can make it. Studies were getting tough. We had to sit for internal exams and we didn’t get to see the results until we sit for the finals. So I wasn’t sure whether I could make it to Sheffield or not.

In April, we sit for our finals and wouldn’t know the results until June. It was so shit. Immediately after the final for the internal papers, we had to prepare for the external ACCA exams. It is my last two papers. I really hope that I can pass. Most of the time, I spend my time in the library studying with my two darlings, ChiouYee and Siowyiing.

I remembered that one day; the five of us (cHIOUyEE, sIOWyiing, ChanFEI, Ivan and I) decided to go eat charsiew at bukit bintang. It was a great outing for us. We really enjoyed the char siew. It was tasty.

In April, we all decided to take a day off. Most of us went to the Accounting Nite which was held at the Sports Complex. All of us had loads of fun and it was one the last event we attend in TARC.

In the same month, we sat for the finals. I remembered that my Audit internal paper is on Saturday. That morning, I was really nervous because I have no idea why. So I drove to College. At the traffic light, the motorcyclist knocked on my window and wanted to tell me something. He said that my tire was punctured. I was like shit because it is my exam day. So I had to go home. Thank god I have extra car at home. I was a little paiseh to drive dad’s car to college because I tell myself that I won’t drive an expensive car to school.

On 3RD April, we all went to Ampang Park for dinner. Before that we went to JJ to shop. We were supposed to attend a talk by the ACCA tax examiner Mr. Richard Thornton. We had a fun time. We had our dinner at Cozy Corner.

In May or April, I cannot remember which month, my great grandmother passed away. If I am not mistaken, she is 101 years old. It doesn’t sound good but she was a very nice lady.


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