Phuisan's Life

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Sunday 26 October 2008

UK Driver vs. Malaysian Driver

Most of you would agree with me that Malaysians are one of the most horrible drivers in the world. I agree with it because I am one of them. I think Malaysia would have the highest rate of accidents in the world. I am not sure about the accident rates, just guessing.

The drivers’ in UK are so much better then Malaysian drivers. They are really courteous and friendly on the road. In Malaysia, each time when you want to cross the road, the drivers would not stop their car and let you cross. Even if you are halfway crossing, they would probably be honking their horn and would turn around to show you their middle finger or say F*** You. That is the typically Malaysian drivers.

In UK, it is totally different. Each time when they see anyone who wants to cross the road, they will slow down or even stop the car. There was once I wanted to cross the road and the driver saw me, he stopped his car and let me cross. I have encountered many good drivers here.

One of the driving rules here is, when someone is crossing the road, you have to make sure that they stepped on the pathway then only you can go. If they have not stepped their feet on the pathway, you are not allow to go. I think it is a very good culture here.

In Malaysia, the jam will probably starts at 5.30pm. Everyone would be rushing home. Drivers will start to get frustrated and start cursing all the way home. Drivers will always take the opportunity to potong into another lane. In UK, there is no such thing and they will always wait for their turn. I seldom see traffic jam here.

AT the junction, if you can’t get out, the car behind of you start to flash you car. You would probably be sneezing as the driver from the back would be cursing you scolding you stupid. He would be probably saying how you should get out from the junction. Here, the drivers will stop and let the other cars to get out of the junction first. They don’t flash or horn you from the back. Each time when they let other car pass, they will say thank you. In Malaysia, even if you are nice to let them go first, they won’t even bother to say thank you as if it is your duty to let them go first.

Typical Malaysian Driver



Blogger *~leAjoo~* said...

arhem...what should i type here? i will be a gentle driver when i am in a very good mood, and i will transform into a typical malaysian driver when i am in bad mood...well, be honest, i hate malaysian driver driving manners at all, but we got learn malaysian driver driving attitude when we drive, if not, no assurance on your car bumper :P

hehe, i am not a driver recently :P

26 October 2008 at 13:00  

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