Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Monday 20 July 2009

clock ticking

X was standing at the door while I was sitting down with a half dozen of cheese and ham sandwich, one glass of orange juice and one glass of O-Town Coffee. We talked about our futures, life and things that have been happening around lately between us.

X asked what I have been doing lately. I told X that I have been at my mates, wondering around and my travel plan and about my stress. X asked is this the reason why I have been out lately to run away from the problems. I said yes. I told X everything.

X looked extremely upset too. I seldom asked X about personal stuff and how things are going but this time I have decided to give it a go and asked X what have been happening. X is not happy as everyone is moving out. X is going back to Uni this year and I told X not to give up and shall not stop because it is X final year. X asked when I am moving out. I said next week. X promised to cook for me in this couple of days when I am around.

We shared and gave each other encouragement. Both of us were upset and stress on how things are going. X said that this is life. I said life is uncontrollable and is beyond our control.

X left the room with two words “Take Care”. After talking to X, I really feel sad and wanted to cry. I tried to hold back my tears while I was talking to X.

Love always



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