Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Thursday 2 July 2009


I have been a little (actually a lot) stressy this few days. I think there are too many things that need to be consider and I don’t have sufficient time to make a relevant and accurate decision. Sound so bad, huh? It is very bad. For the last three months, it was stress-less, but I know that at some point of time later, it will be SE-TE-RESS .

And now it is the SE-TE-RESS time. It is my peak period. There are so many things to do but time is running out. It begins with life, dissertation, love, ACCA, house, family, excitement and list goes on and on.

told my big sis that I need some excitement in life. So she asked what I want “Drugs? Random Sex?” How I wish I could take drugs but will not get addicted to it. How I wish I could have random sex and will not be transmitted with AIDS and STD. You must be saying “Phuisan, you must be on crack!”.

She said “Go get drunk and forget about everything”. This is what I am planning to do during this weekend. Get drunk and dance the whole night out till I am tired and forget about all the craps and shits. Then wake up the next morning, look up high and continue with the SE-TE-RESS life.

Life is not easy after all. If it is easy, Life would not be life. It would be Life-LESS. I admit there are always up and downs in life. I am ready to conquer it. So BRING IT ON!




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