Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Monday 6 July 2009

Beer Bir Drinking Session

After dinner, we had a beer drinking session. We were laughing like mad and the guard was trying his heart and soul to ask us to keep quiet but it was pointless. There were no ways that we could keep our noise down.

We played heart attack. Everyone’s heart was pumping very quickly. The funniest moment was when Ryan wrongly said the number. Before him, it was number 9 and he was supposed to shout 10 but he said J and everyone started to slam their hands on the cards though it was the wrong the number. We think we was too high and drunk!

Then we played mafia. It is something new to some of us as we have not played this game before. After the game, we went down to get some fresh air. None of them wanted to sleep so we continue our gossiping session in Flat 46. After gossiping and laughing, it was already 4.30am.

Heart Attack Session!

Trying to Guess who was the Spy Mafia Doctor and God!The three Mafias!
Wendy ps Nich

While waiting for them to debate who was the Mafia, We took a picture!
Wendy, the one of the blurest girl i ever met!
Everyone looking at Weiwei and Yiting!
Denying that they are not the Mafia!
Stella Artois New Ambassadors!

What a wonderful and lovely night! Once again, thanks for leaving a good memories in Flat 62. More happening events are coming soon! Stay Tune!




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