Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Tuesday 23 December 2008

Christmas Mood

What will you be doing on Christmas day? If you have no plans, sit at home and read my blog. Hhahaha..Just Joking. I bet everyone has already planned what they will be doing. Some will be going to church, having turkey for dinner and shopping and loads more.

I am already in a Christmas mood. This is the very first time I time I going to celebrate white Christmas not in Malaysia but in UK. I will be heading off to Birmingham in the evening tomorrow to celebrate with my cousin. I am really excited. I will take loads of pictures for you all to see.

I did some shopping today and bought some small gifts for my housemates and cousin. I need to pack my clothes tonight and not sure what should I take. I am extremely excited until I don’t have mood to do my essay which I was suppose to finish it up before Christmas.

This is for Lauren Nate John

This is for my cousin -Khai Liang -

My wish for this year is “I hope everyone will stay healthy and happy always. That is the most important ingredient in life! May all your wishes come true and whatever you do will be a success!” “Merry Christmas”

Have fun and good celebration ahead.

Will be back with more stories on 27th Dec. Miss you.

I love you always!!!!




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