Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Wednesday 21 October 2009


It’s been a week since I last update my blog. Currently, I am busy with a few things but good news to share with you.

First of all, I have officially graduated with Msc LLM Corporate Law and Strategy. Though I only managed to get a Merit but I am happy and satisfied with it. I might have disappoint some of you with my results, I am really sorry. My graduation ceremony will be on the 9th November which is a day before my birthday *Getting Old*. The best part is my parents and sis will be attending the ceremony. I am looking forward and excited. This is my highest qualification for my education and I am very proud of myself *Another one coming soon ACCA*. My wish of making my family proud has finally been fulfilled.

I will be seeing dad mum and sis next week Thursday. *Hooray* I can’t wait for their arrival. My brother and I will be meeting them at the London airport. It is going to be so cool as we will be spending two nights in London together before they head of to Europe for a week. The last time we went holiday was 4 years ago when we went to China.

Double celebration for my graduation and birthday. Yeah, this year I won’t be celebrating my birthday alone. My second celebration in UK but this time with my dear family. *Wooohoooo*

Not so good news now but I consider it to be good. I will be leaving home for good this November. I can smell char kuey teow, nasi lemak, neslo ice and seafood under my nose. I am going to miss Sheffield loads.

That’s all for now. Need to continue with my packing. Hear from me soon. Keep you updated.




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