My shoulder felt so light since monday
Went to work with a happy go lucky feeling
No more searching for lost documents at 12noon and 6evening
Not worry when the phone rings
No more screaming and shouting
No more sulky face
Don't have to look at the time when i go out for dinner
No more nagging
I see myself in you now
I know how you feel
looking at myself in you makes me feel weird
i used to be treated like that?
How did i managed to go through that?
How did i bear with the screaming and nagging?
Why didn't I defend myself when I know I was right?
Why just let people put words in my mouth when it is their fault?
Maybe i was just trying to be nice
i salute you because you had the courage to defend yourself
i was just following like a little puppy
what the master says, i will just do it
irrespective whether i am happy with it or not.
My turn is over for now *FINGERS CROSS*
No more crying under the pillow anymore
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