Phuisan's Life

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Wednesday 3 December 2008

Random Post

1. Hair

Guys here have nice hair style. They either keep it long or shot. If the keep it long, it will be very neat but not many hot hunks here have long hair. Unlike Malaysia, guys keep long hair and they don’t like nice in it because they don’t take care of the hair with no proper treatment. But there are guys in Malaysia who keep their hair very nice and neat. I still don’t understand why the typical Chinese guys in Malaysia like to keep their fringe long. Will it make them more hunky and sexier? Why can’t they have nice hair cut or just gel the hair up?

Guys here are macho because they really keep their self clean, nice and fresh most of the time. You should look at both of my housemates. I think guys look sexier with short hair. It is just my personal opinion.

2. Bread

This one, I must really praise the bread manufacturers in Malaysia. I think Malaysia bread manufacturers are the best. I have been to one of the bread factory which is High5. The breads are baked daily and are extremely fresh.

The bread in UK is a little different. I don’t find it that fresh. According to one of my mate, he said the local bread manufacturers will manufacture a big batch of breads. Then they will freeze the bread. When the supermarkets run out of breads, then they will defrost the bread. I am not sure with this. But I really miss the bread in Malaysia.

Trip to High5

3. Mates Love Darling

In Malaysia, we call our friends as friends. In UK here, we call friends as mates. I am calling my friends mates now.Each time when we say hi or meet anyone, we will always say “how are you, love?” or “Yes, Darling”. So don’t be surprise when I call you love or darling.

People here have very good manners and extremely friendly. For instance, the first thing John say to me every morning is “Is everything alrite?” So he normally asks me 5 to 6 times a day.

Even when Marc comes home, he will “Hey, how are you? Having a nice day?” This is totally different from Malaysia. People in Malaysia are so busy until they don’t know who their neighbors are. Even if they see their neighbors, they won’t bother to stop and say hi.

4. Sleep

I think Malaysians are very good at sleeping. Even if we sleep for 8 hours, we still can sleep for another 4 hours. I know some mates who can actually sleep the whole entire day. You know who you are.

My housemates especially John and Nate are weird because even if they only sleep 4 hours they can be extremely energetic. If I sleep at 2am, on the next day I will look like a dead sotong.

Last Saturday, Nate work from 10am till midnight. When he came back, it was 1.30am. I was doing my work and he knocked on my day. He said “You should be in bed now. Go to sleep. I want to see your light off in 10minutes”. I wanted to continue with my work but I have to sleep.

He went to bed at 2 and woke up at 7. I woke up at 10. After hanging around for awhile, then he set off to work again. John is worst. He work on Saturday from 8am till 4pm. Then he had a rest from 4pm till 8pm. Then continue the next shift from 8pm till 3am. He reached home at 4 and went to bed. He woke up at 8am.

I don’t know how both of them survive and they don’t take afternoon nap. I don’t take afternoon nap now.

Does it sound weird? This is supposed to be a random post but it end up to be so long. I just want to share some of the lifestyle and culture here. Hope you like it.




Blogger *~leAjoo~* said...

arhem...i think i can be a good friend with your house mates...i only sleep when there is a need to sleep...
ohya, something funny. i was having a super headache yesterday, and i visit the doctor. He explained nicely to me that brain need rest. He warned me to sleep at least 7 hours a day, and don't always sit in front my pc..dear, do you see any possibility that i will follow his words?

3 December 2008 at 06:16  

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