Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Tuesday 4 August 2009

Where is the Love?

On Sunday, Yiting, Jinhoh and I decided to go to city centre for a walk. When we were talking to Taisun, we saw two kids standing opposite the road surrounded by a few adults. The little boy was crying and both of them were holding some clothes, toys and a bag. We guessed that their mum just left them there.

We decided to walk over to see what was happening. The lady told us that their mum was being caught for shoplifting at Debenhams. When she was caught by the guard, she ran off in her car and left her two children at the roadside. Thank God the guard managed to jot down the plate number so that the police could track down the car.

I was thinking inside my heart “How can the mother do this to her children? How can she be so cruel and irresponsible?” this is going to leave a dark spot in the children’s memory. It will be very bad for their growth. The ages of the kids are 4 and 3. Deep down in my heart, I was crying and angry at the same time.

As we walk, I was thinking about their condition. Did they manage to track the mother? What will happen to the kids? So many questions are running in my mind.

Such a heart wrenching moment. God bless the children.




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